Quest supremacy chapter 96: The Meeting

Quest supremacy chapter 96 is released. In this chapter we can see everyone gets shocked after seeing huge changes in personality of Gukja And kim. After that Kim Soohyun remembers how hard he trained for the past two months. In the daytime he trained his body and in the night he became Kim bag and mana drained everyone he met in the North.
Mana Drain Effects:

Kim Soohyun remembers that one time for an experiment he used Mana drain for a long time and he can see that people die after its prolonged use. So he thinks is it okay to use Mana Drain?
North Side :

Now we can see Jintae of North was taking out his anger on a guy but suddenly Choyun comes there and asks Jinatae why did he attack Kim Soohyun 2 months before. He replied he wanted to be promoted to a higher rank. After that Choyun says if he can defeat Kim he will be promoted and in the end he says he needed one which was confusing but in the end of the blog you guys can understand why he said that.
Business Going Well:

Now we can see Kim’s girls working there making Tteokbokki there and the business is going well. We can see the clone guys also working there as servers. We can see Yang Soha there too whom Han Jaeha complimented but she likes Kim.
After The Call:

Haru Calls Kim then and recommends him to meet former No.1 of North to which Kim agreed. After that we can see the former leader of the north lying on the hospital bed and the reason was still unknown. The last person he met was Choyun as the doctor mentioned Haru says. Now Kim connected everything and used a sneak peek on his body to which the system said that due to the master card effect the stats cannot be displayed and no longer exist. now it is confirmed that Choyun is a system user too and that’s why he said he needed one after meeting Jintae most probably he used Mana drain on him.

You can read this on Naver Webtoon.