Reality Quest Manga
Reality Quest is a Korean webtoon series written and illustrated by Lee Joo-woon and Taeseong. It was first published on Naver Webtoon in 2019 and has since been translated into English, Japanese, and Chinese. The series follows the story of Dowan Ha, a bullied gamer who dies after playing games all night long for a week. However, he is then respawned back in his classroom one week before his death. With this new ability, Dowan sets out to change his life and become the strongest gamer in the world.
Reality quest has well developed characters and the backstory of every character is well organized. This manga is similar to Questism
What is Reality Quest about?
Reality Quest is a webtoon series about a bullied gamer named Dowan Ha who dies after playing games all night long for a week. However, he is then respawned back in his classroom one week before his death. With this new ability, Dowan sets out to change his life and become the strongest gamer in the world.
Who are the characters in Reality Quest?
The main characters in Reality Quest are Dowan Ha, a bullied gamer who gains the ability to respawn; si-yeon, a beautiful and intelligent girl who becomes Dowan’s friend and ally.
What is the plot of Reality Quest?
The plot of Reality Quest follows Dowan Ha as he uses his new ability to respawn to change his life and become the strongest gamer in the world. Along the way, he faces many challenges, including bullies, rivals, and dangerous monsters. However, with the help of his friends and allies, Dowan is determined to succeed.
Where can I read Reality Quest?
Reality Quest is available to read on Naver Webtoon, Webtoons, and Tapas.
When is the next chapter of Reality Quest released?
New chapters of Reality Quest are released every Wednesday.
Is Reality Quest a good webtoon?
Reality Quest is a well-written and action-packed webtoon that has been praised by critics and fans alike. If you are a fan of webtoons, then you should definitely check out Reality Quest.
I hope this blog has helped you learn more about Reality Quest manga. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.