Windbreaker Chapter 452: Harry and Noah

Windbreaker chapter 452 is released. In this chapter we can see Harry, Noah and Dom doing their best to support Jay Jo as Harry goes on beast mode to apply pressure on the Kazuma crew and Noah does the same with her Puncture style racing.
Jay Jo Motivation:

We can see after that Jay Jo’s eyes are getting blurry as he is injured and losing blood but the motivation he had for his uncle’s death keeps him going. He remembers about the method Noah uses for speed boost by switching muscles and he uses that after and instantly gets near Kaneshiro surprising her.
Noah Falls Down:

After that we can see Jay Jo using Owen’s move on the curve but Kaneshiro held up well against that move. The race gets heated after this and we can see Jay and Kaneshiro going head to head. We can see Noah gets near Kaneshiro now and helps Jay by applying pressure on Kaneshiro and we can see Jay Jo going ahead in the race. After that Noah stamina and everything is used up and she falls down between the race and now everything is up to Jay.

Who Will Win:
At the end of the chapter we can see Kaneshiro gets sped up and comes near Jay surprising him and the chapter ends here we will know who will probably win in the next chapter.
You can read this Raw version of the manga on Naver Webtoon and the English version on webtoons.