Windbreaker Chapter 453 is released. In this chapter we can see Noah Vs Kaneshiro before the fall of Noah and after that we can see Noah’s past. Someone close to Noah died; it seems she was her Mother when she was a kid. After that we can see one Adult Helping her. After that he betrayed Noah by abandoning her. Noah got out; it seems she had to fight the bad guys for freedom.
Noah And Jay:

After that we can see Noah falling and thinking how Jay helped her in the past. when some thugs were hitting on her. How Jay held her hand when she was in a need of help. After that we can see Noah lying down on the ground and resting as she did her best and helped Jay out as much as she could do.
Jay Vs Kaneshiro:

Now we can see Jay Vs Kaneshiro. As soon as Jay ran ahead of Kaneshiro she remembered Owen as she saw Jay cycling ahead of her. Kaneshiro gets back in the race and gets ahead of Jay and we can see Jay remembering his race, how he got up after an accident and how he came this far. He also remembers how his uncle Mahon Jo taught him Pedaling when he was small.

After he speeds up we can see Jay heart beating fast and he is catching up to Kaneshiro after that the race is ended both caught up to the end line but it is still unknown who won the race and the chapter ends here.

You can read this Raw version of the manga on Naver Webtoon and the English version on webtoon.