How To Fight Chapter 190 is released. In this chapter we can see Taehoon, Munseong and Hoobin beating the shit out of the enemy group and the enemy group got so scared that they thought which one would hurt less.

After that we can see Joshua takes out money and the enemy group again got up for a fight as money is like drugs to them but in the end they got beat up again. While they were fighting Joshua watched out the Trio to analyze t how they fought.
The Call From Above:
Now we can see Lee Jinho got the information about Hoobin that he knew the exact location of Slush funds and about the fight also. He calls Kim and tells him he is coming there and till then wins the fight, otherwise forgot about the reservoir. As he cherishes this reservoir he fights them seriously and cuts Hoobin with a knife.

Same goes for others Joshua fights Taehoon. MUnseong thought no one is there to fight him and he should help but Baavgai comes from behind and fights with him and the chapter ends here.
Where To Read:
You can read this on Webtoon.