QUEST SUPREMACY CHAPTER 95: Why did Johan help West

Quest Supremacy Chapter 95 is released. In this chapter we can see Johan was having a conversation with Haru. Haru said He/She never thought that Johan will be the God Dog himself as the former personality about Johan is fully changed. Johan asks Haru what do u need so Haru asks for Johan help as the north will wipe out west if Johan will not help them so Johan accepts the request as He owes a favor from Haru’s mother and tells Haru if u don’t know ask your mother by yourself and left.
Johan Vs North Invaders

We can see Johan comes to help the West and beat down all the Invaders from the North. At first the North invaders thought they could beat Johan but soon everyone gives up after getting beat up so badly and the fight ends here.
The Truce:

After the Fight ends we can see the Advisor and Han Jaeha discussing how to get time for some training so they come up with a plan as the north does not know that Johan only said that he will help them one time. So they make a plan for a truce between them and North so the Advisor went to talk to Daniel and ask for truce but Daniel said they know how strong is Johan and they do not fear him but Choyun agreed for the truce for 2 months.
After 2 months :
We can see Advisor got his hair long in 2 months and the time went so fast. After that we can see Gukja shows up there after two months of training and he got a huge glow up.

After Gukja shows up he says Kim worked so hard and even more than him he fought himself for the past 2 months and he doesn’t even know how strong he is now. As we know Gukja got glowed up so how can Kim not have a glow up? In the end of the chapter we can see Kim Soohyun coming to meet them and the chapter ends here.
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